Thursday, March 28, 2013

6 Week Body Makeover - Start!

Okay I'm officially starting over today.  I weighed myself and I'm 156.2 pounds. Ughhh! But it's okay I'm about to succeed and get that number down! Right at the moment I'm drinking a fruit smoothie for breakfast. Today I'll be testing out my coconut oil as well because I'm hitting the gym.

I'm uploading a few pics so you all can kind of see what my body looks like.  I'll upload some real before photos either later tonight or tomorrow.

Much success,

Monday, March 25, 2013

A setback with some perks!

Okay as I said last week I was starting the 6 week body makeover. Well it was going good until . . . I had company and he bought Chinese food.  I loveee Chinese food so I had some :-( so now I'm gonna just start over tomorrow.  No more cravings!!!!

Well there are some perks to me starting over as well.  I bought some coconut oil as I told you last week as well.  Well instead of consuming it, I'm just gonna put some on my abdomen and put my sweat band over it before I work out everyday (well 5 days out of the week).  That should do some major improvement.  Also my corset that I ordered from Aliexpress for $10 has finally arrived after almost a month, hence the $10 payment.  So I will be corseting as well.  I did it last night and it was fine.  I attempted to wear it under my clothes at school but my bio-lab made that quite uncomfortable.  It may just be a house thing for me.

Well here are some pics, enjoy, and I hope I've persuaded at least one person to start this challenge.

 I hear organic is the best type to get.
 The corset without being tightened.  Don't mind my mix-matched socks.
 The back without being tightened.  I used the inverted bunny ears method.
The corset tightened.

Quote of the Day

"People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people."

Think about it.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

6 Week Makeover

So tomorrow I'm starting the 6 week body makeover tomorrow.  Tonight I've weighed myself and I weigh in at a whooping 162 pounds. Ughhh. I'll be taking some of my Senna organic tea to flush some toxins out for my jumpstart tonight.  I'll update on weight loss every couple days.  On average I've seen people lose 20-30 pounds within these 6 weeks and the weight almost never comes back. 

Here's a link to the BHM Forum where I got the idea.

I also bought some coconut oil while I was out but as I see for the challenge there's no oil.  So I'll do it like this, if my hair or skin starts drying I'll add a couple teaspoons of that every morning.  If not then I'll wait to start using it.  If many people don't know coconut oil is supposed to help lead to a flatter stomach, my main goal.

So yeah I'll upload some starting pictures tomorrow and see if my weight remains the same after my buddy Senna.


Sunday, March 17, 2013

Random Thought

There's no better feeling than having someone who loves you just as much as you love them.  Sighhh.

Sorry I'm being such a girl.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Angry Shit

I should really start minding my business. Lbs.  It would be so much easier if people stop putting me in the shit. Oh there's Courtney! I can talk to Courtney!  I can confide in Courtney! Courtney's always been there! Well there's a difference between confiding in me and putting me in your fucking business. Lmao I'm gonna start stopping people before they start talking like "Hold up bitch, will this information you tell me require me to deal with the same bullshit you're dealing with? If so, turn the fuck around and find someone who gives a fuck!" Sounds pretty mean but oh-well!

Monday, March 4, 2013

My Name Is . . .

A girl whose been hurt one too many times.  Had her trust betrayed one time too many.  Been used numerous times.  It's kind of funny how easy it is to use someone.  Not only to use them for sex (glad I haven't been subjected to this) but to use them for a temporary friendship or to help you do something or simply to listen to your problems.  But what's a tad bit funnier is the way the person you've used up starts to play the game and use you too.  That reaction is beyond priceless.  See I know a little something about being used.  I've been used and disposed of, used and disposed of, used and fucking disposed of for most of my life.  HAHA you're probably wondering Why in the hell do you keep letting it happen?!?!!  Well when you get your heart broken do you give up on love and decide to live your life lonely? No, probably not.  It's not healthy to live life trusting no one with a barrier around yourself.  So I'll put myself out there hoping to not get my feelings hurt and soul crushed BUT SOMETHING HAS TO GIVE! 9 out of every 10 people I meet always have hidden intentions.  But what hurts more than those 9 people showing that they're gonna use me is that 1 person left who makes my life a little bit better just to tear it down later . . .

So to leave you today I want you to think the next time you're asking someone to listen to your problems or help you out with something you can't do on your own, when's the last time you reciprocated the action. Thank God for your GOOD friends because there's definitely a shortage on them and you won't come by many.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Thought of the Day 03/03/2012

NOTHING hurts more than losing your own child but coming to terms that your child is a murderer hits pretty damn close.