As I was updating my Facebook page which I haven't changed since early 2009, I was looking through how the old Courtney used to be. Granted I had much ratchetivity about myself including what I decided was appropriate to define myself by and even how I typed, adding extra letters to words and whatnot. But I came across a poem I had wrote and despite my slightly too hood ways I realized my heart was still in the same place. So despite the mess I seemed to act like it didn't define who I really was. Which sums up the purpose of this last paragraph -- what you post, the way you type, and the folkways we break don't define who we really are. So next time you're judging someone just based off of what they post on a social network, realize that everything you post isn't always a direct reflection of you. But that doesn't mean be completely reckless -- people will judge anyway. Sucks but we can only change society one person at a time.
But here goes that poem:
Life is way too short to be bulllshiting around
Live your life with a smile, never a frown
Live with love in your heart and happiness in your mind
Cause life is lovely and death is never kind
Young man died yesterday, gunshot to the head
He died that night but souls were also dead
Tears filling the canal surrounding my soul
You'll be here one minute and the next you'll be gone
9 year old girl died of AIDS yesterday
You'd never think of a child dying that way
Lived with God in her heart but still had to go
You could leave this world any time, you'll never know
This lady lived life with a burning inferno beating in her chest
Had a form of cancer living in her breast
Cried straight for a week, misery on her mind
But learned to live life to the the fullest cause death is never kind
So many of us take life for granted . . .
Rest in Peace to all my Trayvons, my Shelias, my Hakeems, my Jaelas, my God's angels . .